A couple days ago we made our annual trek to the California State Fair here in Sacramento. We usually plan our visit to coincide with one of the free concerts featuring an artist who we’d like to see. Joan Jett & the Blackhearts were the headliners this past Friday.
Fortunately, the weather cooperated with temperatures in the high 80s & low 90s – almost cool for July in Sacramento. J This year we took our cameras & decided to document our visit.
The California State Fairgrounds
I didn't try it, but chocolate covered bacon sure sounds like it would taste good! |
The grounds at Cal Expo - I inadvertentlly caught a person bungee jumping in the background. |
Livestock, Birds & Flowers Abound
What is a state fair without livestock - a Texas Longhorn in California. |
This looks like a postcard but it is a live eagle that was part of a Wild California display. |
A Scarlett Macaw in the Birds in Paradise area. |
There are always beautiful flowers just waiting to be photographed. |
Vendors, Exhibits & Demonstrations
You can buy anything & everything under the sun at the fair. |
Items submitted for judging in the Young Adult building. |
Pots, pans & gadgets you can't do without in the kitchen. |
Creepy Crawly Bugs & Things
Lou holding a live Walking Stick on his hand. |
Close up of the Walking Stick. |
Me holding a Hissing Cock Roach - the little sucker was about 2" long! |
More Fun Things to See
Now we're talking - they made the World's Largest Margarita! |
A popular display with toys from all eras - the noise level was pretty high. |
This was an interesting sculture of a horse's head made from driftwood in the Fine Arts building. |
Joan Jett rockin' out - Lou had to take this photo since I barely caught a glimpse of her with everyone standing the entire concert. |
The State Fair After Dark
Ah, yes, typical fair food - deep-fried dough covered in sugar. |
The carnivores enjoyed thousands of turkey legs - I stuck with the corn dog. It's just not a fair without a jumbo corn dog. |
Leave it to the State Fair to deep fry anything - Oreos, Twinkies, Snickers. Last year Lou tried a deep-fried scorpion. |
The nightly fireworks display began as we headed toward the exit. |
The grand finale - another great day at the California State Fair. |
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