When I met Lou 9-1/2 years ago I became “stepmom” to Lou’s two 5 year old cats, Cosmo & Nova, who were sisters. Of course, I soon came to love them as if I’d adopted them as kittens myself. Nova is still with us but Cosmo died a year and 7 months ago from complications of her diabetes.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about her a lot and decided to write down some of my thoughts of Cosmo. As anyone with a pet knows, they each have their own distinct personality and immediately work their way into your heart.
Lou took this picture of Cosmo - he calls it "Kitty Head Rest" |
Cosmo was the epitome of the curious cat. She loved everything that I did, especially if it was in the kitchen! Within seconds of walking in the kitchen to start dinner or get a glass of water, I’d turn around and there was Cosmo – sitting in the middle of the floor watching my every move. I told her she should be able to do it all by herself since she watched so much.
Cosmo lived to eat! She loved her Fancy Feast “supplement” (certain ones were better for her diabetes) and would meow like crazy when it was time to eat. If I opened a can of tuna for myself, Cosmo could smell it across the room. She would go nuts until I gave her a small bite. She would eat anything, literally – plants, curling ribbon, ice cream, flowers – we had to be really careful to keep things out of her reach. She was a chubby cat but could get up on tables and counters with ease if there was something she thought she wanted to sample.
One time years ago, I was watching football and eating some Cheez-Its from the box. Cosmo really wanted one so I gave her just a corner of one and she loved it! From that day on, if I brought out the box of Cheez-Its, Cosmo was all over me wanting a bite.
Treats were one of Cosmo’s greatest pleasures in life. She learned the words “treat time” and would run to the cabinet and meow as soon as I said them. Actually the treats gave us some control over her since we could get her out from under any bed or behind any furniture by rattling the package and calling out, “Treat time!” I’m so glad that I gave her treats (more than I should have sometimes) because she enjoyed them so much.
She was such a good kitty about her shots and blood tests. About two years before she died, she was diagnosed as diabetic. With diet and a certain type of insulin she went into remission a few weeks later. I found a wonderful Feline Diabetes website that offered education and support from members.
We needed to monitor her blood sugar and did frequent blood tests by pricking her ear to get the drop of blood. I would sit at the table and she would sit on my lap with her front paws on the table while I did the blood test. The diabetes returned about a year later and sometimes we would have to do blood tests every hour all day to get a “curve”. She was so tolerant and never fought it once she learned the routine – and of course, the instant it was done she was meowing at the cabinet for a treat!
Nova was always the dominant one early on. Nova would smack Cosmo or jump on her for no reason at all. Cosmo would just passively walk away. But a few years before she died something changed and Cosmo suddenly started fighting back. I always said that she went through menopause and just like every other post menopausal woman she wasn’t going to put up with the bullshit anymore! Occasionally she even instigated the conflicts. At times they would be hissing and rolling around on the floor until we broke them up and sent them to opposite corners – then two minutes later they were snuggling together on the chair!
Cosmo & Nova curled up on the couch |
I swear that Cosmo would set me up to step on her so I’d feel sorry for her and give her an extra treat. She would come right up behind me while I was cooking so that when I turned or backed up, I’d bump her or step on her. Of course, I would almost fall down trying to avoid hurting her! She would meow really loudly when I barely even touched her – then run to the cabinet. I know it was all to get that extra treat.
We’d walk in the kitchen at night and turn on the light – there was Cosmo laying on her back in the dark on the floor with all four feet up toward the ceiling. She loved to have her belly rubbed. Sometimes I wondered how long she was laying there patiently waiting for one of us. Cosmo loved to be held like a baby, in your arms on her back. She would stare up at the lights for the longest time with a childlike fascination. And if you rubbed her belly at the same time, she was in heaven.
If I sat a glass of water on the coffee table, Cosmo would often take a drink of it. She would check out the glass of soda or cup of tea and, of course, milk. We had to be careful or she’d drink it all. One day, I had a glass of wine on the coffee table – Cosmo walked over to it and I thought “let’s see if she tries this”. She sniffed, looked at it, then took her head and just knocked it over – fortunately it was white wine and not red!
These are just a few of my recollections of Cosmo Renee. I gave them both middle names (Nova’s is Marie) when I “adopted” them so that when I came downstairs and someone was on the table I could yell, “Cosmo Renee Padgug, get down!” or “Nova Marie Padgug, off the table!” Nova knew when she was doing something wrong. Cosmo either didn’t know or just didn’t care.
One of my favorite photos of Cosmo with all the presents! |
I have such wonderful memories of “my kitty girl” and still miss her. Her ashes have a place of honor in our living room. Years ago I bought little Christmas stockings for Cosmo and Nova to hang over the fireplace with mine and Lou’s. I still put Cosmo’s up this time of year since I feel that she is with us in spirit. A little corny, I know, but she is my sweet stepcat and I love her.