Saturday, December 24, 2011


My adorable granddaughter, Charley Ellen, spent her first Christmas with our part of her family. For many years, we've done our Christmas dinner and presents on Christmas Eve to allow everyone to accomodate extended families and in-laws. Tonight was our family's first celebration that included our two month old angel.

Charley and her mom and dad arrived all decked out in their festive Christmas garb - Darrin with his plaid reindeer antlers, Allison with her angel halo headband and Charley in her Santa suit and hat.

Daddy & Charley - she has grown up so much in the past few weeks!

Charley checking out her Mama's angel halo.

The happy family - Charley still can't get over Mom's halo.
Charley weighs about 6-1/2 pounds now - that's what Darrin weighed at birth. I can't believe how much bigger she is now, but then she has gained half of her birth weight! She is much more alert and eager to check out her world.

Something on the ceiling was much more interesting than the gift - wait 'til next year!

It's a reindeer bib from Auntie Karen & Uncle Steve.
I can't get enough of this little girl and could literally hold her for hours - in fact, I do sometimes. It is amazing how quickly and how much they change at this age.

My sweet, beautiful little Santa girl.

I call this her paparazzi picture - "Please, no more photos!"

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Just about 10 years ago my son, Darrin, met his future wife, Allison. Darrin was flying for a small cargo airline in El Paso, Texas, and Allison was working in Silver City, New Mexico. Allison had a pug dog that she named Monty who Darrin soon fell in love with and "adopted". Here is one of the first pictures Darrin took of Monty back in El Paso.

Isn't this the cutest face you've ever seen?

Monty soon became a member of our family.....we all adored this little pug with the too big tongue, protruding bottom teeth and a propensity to steal & eat kleenex from waste baskets or purses! I called him my "grandpug" and my father was the designated "pug-sitter" whenever Darrin and Allison traveled. I think Monty enjoyed it since Pop was quite liberal with the biscuits.

Tonight I received a call from a tearful Allison that Monty had passed away. He was 15 years old and had been showing his age lately. We all knew that his health was declining....his breathing became shallow last night and today he didn't eat. This evening he was laying on the couch between Darrin and Allison, his favorite spot.....Allison said he took three deep breaths and died.

Monty had a good life and was loved by so many people. Although he wasn't a classic beauty, he had lots of personality and was a real sweetheart. He will be missed...but we all know that he is in a better place now. Rest in peace, Monty.....we all love you!

Darrin and Monty several years ago.
Monty meeting his new little sister, Charley.

Me, Charley and Monty a few weeks ago.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


My granddaughter, Charley Ellen, celebrated her first month of life yesterday! She was not supposed to be born until this coming Wednesday. That incredibly soft skin, those perfect little features and such tiny delicate fingers are amazing.

Charley sleeping in her car seat
I was blessed to spend much of the evening just holding her and staring at that perfect little face. When she snuggles against you, there is literally not a care in the about having something to be thankful for.....just having her in our lives!

I could literally hold her forever!
No description is needed....pure contentment

Charley drifting off to sleep with Mommy - Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Weather conditions this autumn have created some of the most spectacular fall color that we’ve ever seen in Sacramento.  Both Lou & I are in awe of the amazing array of color that has caught our eyes everywhere we drive lately. New England ain't got nothing on Northern California this year!

These trees are right here in our own front yard!

When we walk out our front door this is what greets us!

That's our garage on the lower left corner
This past week I’ve noticed the incredible leaf colors in the Bay Area as well as here at home. Things have been ridiculously hectic around here but yesterday I made the time to head out for an hour to enjoy the scenery and attempt to do it justice with my camera.

Some of the leaves almost seem to glow

This is a park where I met a woman who had just moved here & was marveling at the color

A close up of the deep magenta leaves
It was late in the day but these colors were still bright and vivid

I stumbled upon these shimmering gold leaves while turning around
My hour long respite from the current craziness of our lives involved two short walks, a few miles of driving, several detours and about 12 U-turns to see the myriad of breathtaking scenes. The only thing that would have made it better was a bright blue sky - but it was still gorgeous!

Some trees in this park seemed almost fluorescent in spite of the overcast sky

Sadly, in another few days it will all be gone - but, oh, what a sight!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CHARLEY ELLEN - Three Weeks Old!

My adorable, little cutie pie of a granddaughter celebrated her three week old birthday with her first social outing today!  Charley weighed in at 4 pounds 14 ounces at her last appointment – she is closing in on 5 pounds.

Charley snuggling with me - look at the size difference of our hands

What a sweetheart!
I drove into my dad’s early this morning to make sure everything was properly cleaned and disinfected with some help from my dad’s caregiver, John. My sister, Karen, also drove in to meet Charley for the first time (she had a cold when Charley was born). Since she was premature they have been cautioned to keep her away from any type of sick person or germs.

Charley’s mommy, Allison, had a hair appointment in San Ramon so Daddy and Charley visited all of us at Great Grandpa Pop’s house today.

Charley and Mommy

Charley and Daddy
My dad looked like an old pro cradling Charley in his arms – guess it’s like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it. J

Charley and Great Grandpa Pop

Pretty casual with his one arm hold
There is something totally therapeutic about holding a beautiful, sleeping baby – and I can’t get enough of it! Karen could not get over how tiny she is….not having been around a baby, other than Darrin 35 years ago, she said she’ll wait to hold her until she is bigger. She added, a puppy, a kitten, yes; but a human baby, not now. That’s okay, more holding time for me!

Rocking Charley in our new chair

My sweet, little granddaughter - Charley Ellen

Sunday, November 6, 2011


It had been four days since I saw Charley Ellen! I needed my baby fix badly ......especially since my mother-in-law equivalent, Bruni, suffered a terrible fall on Tuesday, breaking her hip and shattering her elbow. She under went over three hours of surgery on Wednesday and has been in critical condition in intensive care ever since. BUT today she showed the first signs of improvement so we are all guardedly optimistic.

I took some time to drive in to visit Charley and her parents today. She is really looking at things now and turns her eyes toward voices. I spent an hour and a half just holding her and marveling at this precious little life.

My baby girl just before drifting off to sleep

Charley and Oma - sorry for the blurry photos, didn't want to blind her with flash
Allison is feeling much better now. She is able to walk around much better and her swollen feet have returned to normal. She has this sling that goes over one shoulder with a pouch for the baby. Charley loves it being snuggled close to mom and mom has her hands free to do things while "holding" the baby.

The amazing new family!
My great day ended with Lou's dad treating us to dinner and a visit to the hospital. Bruni was able to say several words after having her breathing tube removed this morning. She responded to our conversation and even blew her husband a kiss in response to his when we left. That lady is a real fighter!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This afternoon I visited my six day old granddaughter once more before heading back home to Sacramento. She was just finishing nursing when I arrived so Darrin wrapped her in her swaddling blanket and presented the beautiful little bundle to me to hold while she slept.

BUT this time she decided to look around her world before falling alseep! She opened her eyes and for the first time I saw her eyes move to look at me when I spoke to her. Darrin called her name and she turned her eyes to look toward him. She kept that up for 5-10 minutes while he snapped photos with both our cameras.

Charley looking at me for the first time!

What a cutie!
Before she fell asleep Monty jumped up on the couch and laid down next to me. One big happy extended, my granddaughter and my grandpug. Darrin snapped a picture as Allison looked on. Geez, my neck looks like MY grandmother's, but who cares, the real star is Charley Ellen.

Me, Charley and Monty.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Charley Ellen and her mom both came home yesterday, Sunday, Oct 30! They had to take her back for lab work and a check up this afternoon in which everything was okay. I had driven in from my dad's to take Allison's mom to the airport to fly home to Albuquerque. Being that close, of course, I had to wait around to get my granddaughter fix.

Not a great photo but Charley is so tiny in her car seat, I had to include it
Allison asked if I would like to hold her while they heated and ate their dinner. Was that question really even necessary? Of course, I would love to hold her anytime!

This sweet little girl is truly a bundle of joy

Charley snuggling with Daddy in her cute little pink preemie outfit
What would her first Halloween be without a costume? The hospital gave them the crocheted hat that looks like a Candy Corn. Then Darrin found the Halloween bib someone gave her so we added that to her ensemble.

Charley Ellen ready to go trick or treating in costume as a Candy Corn

She slept through the whole thing but Mom, Dad & Grandma had fun
Allison is doing well but she was really sore tonight after walking all over the hospital. Darrin is a real trooper taking care of his family. And I just get to enjoy the grandma stuff then go home and sleep. :-)They are both doing a fantastic job of being new parents! I couldn't be prouder of both of them.

Charley and Mommy just before feeding time

Friday, October 28, 2011


This was a wonderful day! I was able to hold and rock my granddaughter on two different occasions for an extended period of time....and I still didn't want to give her up. :-) Charley turned the corner on nursing today and I was able to share that with Allison, who, by the way, was absolutely amazing & did a great job with a hungry, crying baby - she remained calm & cool until it finally worked.

Allen had thought to bring his camera to the hospital on Wednesday for Darrin to use in the delivery room so today I received all those photos, too.

The new family just hours after Charley Ellen's birth

Daddy grinning from ear to ear - I can't help but smile when I look at this photo

Daddy helping give Charley her first bath two hours after her arrival
After 24 hours in the NICU, Charley was released and is now in the room with Allison. Today I was able to hold her for the first time. Honestly, it is even better holding your grandchild for the first time than your own child because you know they won't break and there is none of the stress involved with figuring out how you are going to do this. It is joy in its purest form!

She had nursed successfully and her tummy was full so I rocked her for 40 minutes while Allison ate her lunch. There is nothing in this world that can compare to that overwhelming feeling of love.

No words can describe how amazing this feels!
Late this afternoon, at Allison's suggestion, we were able to take my dad to the hospital to meet his great granddaughter. He seemed genuinely moved by the whole thing and was so happy to share in this incredible event.

Charley meeting Great Grandpa Pop
This one brings tears to my eyes - my dad, my baby and his baby
I'm only two days into this adventure and already I know it is going to be like no other. What a gift to be given at this stage of my life. Thank you, God........and Allison, Darrin & Charley!