Friday, February 16, 2018


I was quite surprised when Lou handed me this envelope from our mailbox today. It was totally unexpected & I was a bit baffled but excited to see what it contained. Note: If you click on the photo, it will bring up a larger file.

As I carefully opened it & removed all of the pieces, I had no idea what Charley had sent me from her school. I saw the heart Charley had colored then wrote about why she loved me & my eyes began filling with happy, loving tears. By the time I read the song lyrics from Woodie Guthrie & saw the accompanying piece of art work, Gaga was a blubbering mess!

These will have a place of honor on the refrigerator for quite awhile, then they will join all of my other gifts from my sweetheart in the large manila envelopes.

As I laid everything out to take a few photos, I realized just how specially decorated the cut out of my Charley was made by her. Read the line, "Stick some stamps on top of my head," & notice the stamp glued to her head. I continued reading, "I'm a-gonna tie me up in a red string, I'm gonna tie blue ribbons, too." And sure enough, there was a red string & a blue ribbon surrounding her.

This has to be one of the two best surprises I've been treated to in a long time. Rest assured that Gaga will be checking her mailbox everyday to see if my sweet Charley is arriving soon. We hug & kiss each other while video chatting but I can't wait to hug her for real - hard to be patient for another month.

Oh, that other surprise I mentioned was waking up on Valentine's Day to find these lovely roses, candy & card from my other sweetie, Lou!  AND he made me dinner, too!  It was a little strange just sitting on the couch watching the Olympics until he called me to the table but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you so much, Charley & Lou! 
Gaga loves you! And Daddy, too! 
I'm guessing he had a little to do with Charley's special gift.